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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Farming WET PET'S?!?!?

ok its not a full breeding thing, i don't have the CHAT for that /CHAT is Slang for CASH/ so i'm realld breeding on the small order.

things i'm planning to breed:
Tilapia: Blue, Nile
Cichlids: Convicts, Angelfish, Texas
Gurami: Bettas
Crustations: Ghost/Glass Shrimp, Marmorkreb Marble Crayfish

my Koi and Sturgeon will be kept in the 18' Diameter 4' tall Above Ground Pool

Tilapia will be Rotated in small stocking pools [assuming i can talk my dad into it] 3-4 8'x30" A.G.Pools chances are it will just be two, the brood stock will be kept in a segmented breeder tank, or if Hybridizing i will keep those in a 10gal breeder tank

Ghost/Glass Shrimp, Crayfish, possible Cherry Shrimp will all be bred in another 8'x30" A.G.Pool i will also grow plants in this pool

Convicts will get the 30gal planted tank

Bettas [half moon, Crowntail] males will be bowled and females will be kept in a planted 20gal tank

angels none adult will be held in a 125gal community tank breeding adults will be kept in a segmented breeder tank probably the other 125gal tank

i will have another planted tank not a breeding thing, possible some aggressive fish like the Exodons, or not, i do like putting my hands in the fishtanks, so i'll prob just keep Cichlids and what not, thank you for reading

Pause for the cause

i'm taking a little detour from this Koi Food Challenge for a sec, in order to set up a small fish farm, i will do the Koi food challenge but i'll have to do so with a long view plan of attack, and only when Financially feasible

thank you for keeping up with this Blog, it will continue, but as a Vlog, on a start up Urban Fish Farm, i'm hoping i could keep it interesting enough to make it worth writing, keep an eye out for updates and please subscribe, thank you for reading