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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

its been too long... March 2013 update

well since my last post i actually got very little action, and there is no good reason for it, there was a few calls about small things and some wanted to do trades, but no rescues, till Feb 2013, where i got two, they did come down to trades, but they were rescues non-the-less, due to the first being a tinfoil Barb, that was getting attacked in its old tank, currently healed up and doing fine, it had torn fins and was very stressed. sometime later a friend needed to cull his stock of Africans, i was actually willing to buy them, but he proffered up a trade idea, a rain barrel for 65 juveniles... still trying to ID them, so far i can tell i have Venustus and Johanni, there are three other types that are harder to ID because of their similarity to other strains. if you have any ideas pleas let me know.