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Friday, January 29, 2010

Change of Venue [News… Good & Bad]

Change of Venue [News… Good & Bad]

Shalom my friends, got hit with some news both good and bad my launch date of Feb 22 2010 has been changed to an undetermined one do to a change of venue, due to the Volume of water needed for this project and the possibility of leaks and [you name it] from this and other Aquatic set ups I have running my 14x10’ bed room will not be suitable, so I’ll be taking over the garage. It is over twice the square footing of my room with its own well everything, it’s a garage, I can set up a ro/di by the sink, hang my lighting with out killing the ceiling, open the garage door when ever working with Chems, you name it. And tech’ing the place up with cams and servers is easy. So although I have no launch date due to the move, I’ll have more time to do this right, my dad always says “he even said it this week” measure twice cut once he also likes to say, a wise man counts the cost before he builds, “he said that to me today” so its reckoning time


Sunday, January 10, 2010

How I got Koi-Bit-o'd in my nutt shAck

Wow last night was a massive set back two of my Forums turned really bad KoiShack and Koi-Bito, I promised full disclosure to the Food manufactures and here it is, Koi-Bito was bad from the first Page, if you get a chance to read it you will see, so when a pronounced breeder in the group made a statement that appeared disparaging if you read it you can gleam why I felt that, I called him a racist, [now, knowing otherwise] but at the time that’s how it looked, he changed his tone and verbiage to sound very country, in my world it's slave talk and I felt he was making fun of my race, so I called him on it, he privately [Private Messaged] me and assured me that he meant no harm he was playing up his own accent I’m sure for effect, but he did not get into that, meanwhile the group was tearing into me like a Monkey on a cupcake calling me a Racist, Retarded, and a slue of other things see Koi-Bito for more on that, due to this, members at KoiShack who also where members of Koi-Bito had that Forum SHUT DOWN! Hay such is life, but what disappointed me was how a group of adults went from adults to High School Freshman in 3 hours, it was Glorious, I was the new kid in class and they pushed me in the boys locker room where the Jocks commenced to Rectal Abuse me with no KY, not cool, not cool at all Bito and Shack LOL hay no hard feelings A? it was an Education in moronic.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Joe's Original Concerns

We were thinking along the same lines. We too thought about some more testing . You did not specify what foods you are using for the tests or the methods for control and replicate studies. I would be interested in talking to you about this. I'm sure it will attract a lot of attention and get a lot of scrutiny so it is important to make it as factual and fair for all involved. I think you will find that the Blackwater Gold Diet will perform very well. It is fed to our young fry and our very best breeders after spawning.
Some things that will affect the koi growth besides the food will be
1. Presence of natural foods- Will these tanks be outside? with they have access to chironomid larvae ( blood worms) for the local ever present population?
2. Sunlight - Algae growth? - Koi are omnivores and will continually graze.
3. Will the tanks be scrubbed clean of any bio floc daily?
4 Will the fish be "fresh" small young of the year fish ready for continued growth ... or could they be fish that have been crowded and slowed / delayed growth to meet market demands?
5. Are the fish the same varieties from the same spawns from the same pond? I can put a asagi and chagoi against a showa and win with the chagoi even when feeding the chagoi dog food . They grow faster.
6. Will the tanks be on the same filter system? Heated and constant?
A lot of nutritional tests are done each year with fish . You may be able to do some research on peer reviewed papers sponsored by the Aquaculture Engineering Society.
There are many things to consider. I would be happy to offer my opinion and some gold food for the tests
All the Best,

Joe Pawlak
Blackwater Creek Koi Farms Inc
Aquatic Nutrition Inc

President - NOGGA
National Ornamental Goldfish Growers Association