Please Donate

Alternative to a Paypal Donation is Gift Certificate

if you have gift certificates for a hardware store

you can Contact me at

or for a full list of needed supplies click here thank you


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Farming WET PET'S?!?!?

ok its not a full breeding thing, i don't have the CHAT for that /CHAT is Slang for CASH/ so i'm realld breeding on the small order.

things i'm planning to breed:
Tilapia: Blue, Nile
Cichlids: Convicts, Angelfish, Texas
Gurami: Bettas
Crustations: Ghost/Glass Shrimp, Marmorkreb Marble Crayfish

my Koi and Sturgeon will be kept in the 18' Diameter 4' tall Above Ground Pool

Tilapia will be Rotated in small stocking pools [assuming i can talk my dad into it] 3-4 8'x30" A.G.Pools chances are it will just be two, the brood stock will be kept in a segmented breeder tank, or if Hybridizing i will keep those in a 10gal breeder tank

Ghost/Glass Shrimp, Crayfish, possible Cherry Shrimp will all be bred in another 8'x30" A.G.Pool i will also grow plants in this pool

Convicts will get the 30gal planted tank

Bettas [half moon, Crowntail] males will be bowled and females will be kept in a planted 20gal tank

angels none adult will be held in a 125gal community tank breeding adults will be kept in a segmented breeder tank probably the other 125gal tank

i will have another planted tank not a breeding thing, possible some aggressive fish like the Exodons, or not, i do like putting my hands in the fishtanks, so i'll prob just keep Cichlids and what not, thank you for reading

Pause for the cause

i'm taking a little detour from this Koi Food Challenge for a sec, in order to set up a small fish farm, i will do the Koi food challenge but i'll have to do so with a long view plan of attack, and only when Financially feasible

thank you for keeping up with this Blog, it will continue, but as a Vlog, on a start up Urban Fish Farm, i'm hoping i could keep it interesting enough to make it worth writing, keep an eye out for updates and please subscribe, thank you for reading

Thursday, July 1, 2010

HACH the EndGame

LOL I laugh because I knew they would never take responsibility for failing their customers. Most of you reading this already know the story, but I’ll tell it here so others will understand the issue.

Hach a well known and highly regarded product manufacturer of water testing supplies has a brand of test strips called Aquachek test strips it comes an a bottle of 50 with a vial I’ve been using this product for 3 to four months on my ponds and fish tanks I raise Koi and had a few show Koi and a ton of pond Koi, normally I feed my fish 1-2 times a day but due to it being spawning season I started a fattening up regiment to get my Girls up to spawning weight feeding 3 times a day no less that 2 feedings, I needed to insure they where egg heavy, I started this in April so I needed to test my ponds twice a week to insure there was not any unusual Ammonia spikes. And I did my Koi seemed happy outside of a few Flashings [when the Koi go sideways and rubs agents the media along the pond bed] my test always came up 0.0 to 0.5 max, it never went over, so I was surprised when my farther came in and informed me my Koi were all dead.

I tested the water only to see it was 0.5, but that did not sit well with me. I did not distrust the results but my strips for PH, Nitrites, Nitrates and others was limited in my view and hard to read, so I grabbed the API liquid kit and began testing all parameters to see if maybe something else was a fault when every this what good till I got to my Ammonia and Nitrite test, nitrites was mid to high and the ammonia was off the charts, I could not get a reading it was dark green so I divided the test 1:1 pond water:tap water, and it was still off the charts I could not get a reading so I further diluted the test 1:3 Pond:Tap and it finally charted, it was at the top of the chart coming in at 8.0, that’s lethal, that’s like someone tossed in a bottle of ammonia in my pond, but obviously what happened was the water had accumulated Ammonia due to the heavy feedings or 2-3 times a day

I contracted HACH and gave them my results, and filed a complaint, the claimed to have tested the batch and there was nothing wrong, so we went through a lengthy correspondence over this and I even submitted a video [] proving the strips I had where faulty, they dodged it with half cocked notions so they asked for me to send the remainder to them, and I did same day, really same hour, and emailed them the tracking # on 6/10/10 and today 7/1/10 I received a call the man Ron Merwin, said “the Desiccant was at 15% moister” and kept repeating this, so I asked “so your saying this was why my test failed” he repeated this 15% business and gave a list of plausible answers, now every strip I tested did the same thing, all of the strips I had 49 in all I used did not work, and I asked him, “so did you test the one I sent back?” Ron stated “yes it worked” so I asked “why would you have to tell me anything about the Desiccant, all you need to say is the Strip you sent back was working and you must have done something wrong” he said “I see” can you the reader of this post tell me why do you think he mentioned the desiccant? Why would he need to if the strip I sent back was in working order? Does this hold water?

Can you do me a favor? Message Mr. Ron Merwin at HACH and tell him what you think about this post and whether or not you would in trust your Pond, Swimming Pool, or drinking water to a company that well if something comes up DEAD because you trusted them, they would treat you as they did me. Please, repost and contact HACH on this subject, and guess what the drinking water you drink is tested with these strips, because HACH is highly trusted

Thank you so much for reading this and God bless
Juanell Primus at 1L’s Koi Food Challenge

Thursday, April 22, 2010

I-L's Youtube Video Contest

I’m not a rich man, heck, I’m only doing this to Promote my project, parting with $50 ain’t fun, but then again it’s just $50. So here’s how this will work, you are to attempt to read my [likes and interest] section on my [Info] page in a dead pan delivery style at the beginning of the Video you must mention or depict in some way [1-L’s Koi Food Challenge] at the end you must again do the same, the one with the highest [rating] gets the $$ so EZ money, videos must be uploaded by may 10th and winner will be announced on may 20th have fun, and tell your friends to rate your video

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

1-L’s Fish Rescue

1-L’s Fish Rescue

Pet food

Canopy Tents 10’ wide or larger

Water Tanks

Fish tanks [Leaking, Cracked, Broken, or just Unwanted]

Pumps Water/Air

Filter Media

Crush Coral

Bulkheads [all sizes]

PVC pipes [all sizes]

Plastic Hoses [Pool hoses for out door setups]

Small Above Ground Pools

Did I say Pet Food?

Aquatic Paint [potable cement paint]

Solar power Generators

Lights and Ballast [Actinic, Florescent, Halide]

Eggcrate [no metal]

Plexi-Glass sheets


Screening [Plastic, Charcoal, Fiberglass]


UV Sterilizer(s)

Power Heads

Any and all filter type

Thank you so very much for any and all help, please call or email me Juanell Primus at 407-296-4987 and

Again your Donated Items will not be resold or traded, they will go to bless this Facilities efforts in help Aquatic pet owners avoid abandoning there unwanted pets and keep Florida’s Waterways Free from Blithe and Infestations

thank you

Friday, January 29, 2010

Change of Venue [News… Good & Bad]

Change of Venue [News… Good & Bad]

Shalom my friends, got hit with some news both good and bad my launch date of Feb 22 2010 has been changed to an undetermined one do to a change of venue, due to the Volume of water needed for this project and the possibility of leaks and [you name it] from this and other Aquatic set ups I have running my 14x10’ bed room will not be suitable, so I’ll be taking over the garage. It is over twice the square footing of my room with its own well everything, it’s a garage, I can set up a ro/di by the sink, hang my lighting with out killing the ceiling, open the garage door when ever working with Chems, you name it. And tech’ing the place up with cams and servers is easy. So although I have no launch date due to the move, I’ll have more time to do this right, my dad always says “he even said it this week” measure twice cut once he also likes to say, a wise man counts the cost before he builds, “he said that to me today” so its reckoning time


Sunday, January 10, 2010

How I got Koi-Bit-o'd in my nutt shAck

Wow last night was a massive set back two of my Forums turned really bad KoiShack and Koi-Bito, I promised full disclosure to the Food manufactures and here it is, Koi-Bito was bad from the first Page, if you get a chance to read it you will see, so when a pronounced breeder in the group made a statement that appeared disparaging if you read it you can gleam why I felt that, I called him a racist, [now, knowing otherwise] but at the time that’s how it looked, he changed his tone and verbiage to sound very country, in my world it's slave talk and I felt he was making fun of my race, so I called him on it, he privately [Private Messaged] me and assured me that he meant no harm he was playing up his own accent I’m sure for effect, but he did not get into that, meanwhile the group was tearing into me like a Monkey on a cupcake calling me a Racist, Retarded, and a slue of other things see Koi-Bito for more on that, due to this, members at KoiShack who also where members of Koi-Bito had that Forum SHUT DOWN! Hay such is life, but what disappointed me was how a group of adults went from adults to High School Freshman in 3 hours, it was Glorious, I was the new kid in class and they pushed me in the boys locker room where the Jocks commenced to Rectal Abuse me with no KY, not cool, not cool at all Bito and Shack LOL hay no hard feelings A? it was an Education in moronic.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Joe's Original Concerns

We were thinking along the same lines. We too thought about some more testing . You did not specify what foods you are using for the tests or the methods for control and replicate studies. I would be interested in talking to you about this. I'm sure it will attract a lot of attention and get a lot of scrutiny so it is important to make it as factual and fair for all involved. I think you will find that the Blackwater Gold Diet will perform very well. It is fed to our young fry and our very best breeders after spawning.
Some things that will affect the koi growth besides the food will be
1. Presence of natural foods- Will these tanks be outside? with they have access to chironomid larvae ( blood worms) for the local ever present population?
2. Sunlight - Algae growth? - Koi are omnivores and will continually graze.
3. Will the tanks be scrubbed clean of any bio floc daily?
4 Will the fish be "fresh" small young of the year fish ready for continued growth ... or could they be fish that have been crowded and slowed / delayed growth to meet market demands?
5. Are the fish the same varieties from the same spawns from the same pond? I can put a asagi and chagoi against a showa and win with the chagoi even when feeding the chagoi dog food . They grow faster.
6. Will the tanks be on the same filter system? Heated and constant?
A lot of nutritional tests are done each year with fish . You may be able to do some research on peer reviewed papers sponsored by the Aquaculture Engineering Society.
There are many things to consider. I would be happy to offer my opinion and some gold food for the tests
All the Best,

Joe Pawlak
Blackwater Creek Koi Farms Inc
Aquatic Nutrition Inc

President - NOGGA
National Ornamental Goldfish Growers Association